The Healing Nest

What is Medical Massage Therapy? Think of it as outcome-based massage, rather than just a nice hour of pampering. We utilize the application of skilled, sensitive, compassionate touch with manual techniques based on scientific knowledge to reach a specific outcome, facilitate healing, reduce muscle tension, alleviate pain and restore your well-being. These techniques can FOCUSED PAIN RELEIF Our bodies are road maps of our histories and sometimes it is a long bumpy journey. The Healing Nest Medical Massage Program gets to the root cause of your pain and resolves it at the core. Each treatment is customized and individual to you with the intention of freeing your body from recurrent pain, muscle tension, scar tissue, fascia restrictions and correcting postural misalignment. We want to help you feel your absolute best! Our experienced therapists are here to assist you in resolving your chronic and acute pain once and for all. Our studio's main focus is Clinical and Medical Massage Therapy with an extensive, successful track record in treating issues including, but not limited to, the following: > Tears, Pulls and Nerve Entrapment > Frozen Shoulder, Neck and Scapular Pain > Bulging and Herniated Discs > Sciatica and SI joint Problems > Low Back and Hip Pain > Tendonitis and Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow > Carpal Tunnel and Repetitive Use Syndromes > TMJ and Teeth Grinding > Tension Headache, Migraines and Eye Strain > Plantar Fasciitis and Foot/Knee Pain > Whiplash and Injury Recovery > Fibromyalgia and Systemic Pain and Tension > Anxiety, Fatigue, Insomnia and Irritability > Fertility and Digestive Issues One of the main reasons that chronic pain can be so hard to resolve is that its origin is usually not in the area where you are experiencing the pain. We specialize in assessing and treating the underlying source of your discomfort and releasing the root cause at its core. Our Medical Massage Treatments work in cumulative layers, opening and releasing each contributing area until you are living pain free. During each treatment we'll also provide preventative education with tangible, results-driven advice to keep you feeling better and better in a lasting way. SCHEDULE YOUR MASSAGE TODAY! Feel free to ask us if we have experience in your particular area of need. It's time to free yourself from recurrent pain, muscle tension and stress, Contact us to learn more about our services, schedule an appointment or request a quote.