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Love From Clients

Dear Christina,


I have no words to express my sincere gratitude and thanks for having met you. After all these treatments, inseminations, shots, miscarriages and D&C. My body was so weak and had a lot of issues.


Since I have started the Maya Abdominal Therapy with you, and following all the instructions you gave to me, my period is much easier, my breasts don't get sore or painful, and I have no migraines. You putted my uterus where it should be, because before I met you it was retroverted, you put my hips back in place and you help me with a long time issue (frequent urination), and low back pain.


This year has been very tough. I was trying to move forwarded with my pregnancy dream, but there was something bothering me (a sharp pain below my belly button). When I went to see the gastroenterologist, she said it could be IBS or Crohn's disease. I was so sad. She scheduled a colonoscopy, and the doctor only saw a severe inflammation. That pain continued to bother me. My body was telling me something was wrong, and it wasn't my imagination. Last Monday the pain was incredibly bad, even if I was not touching my tummy.


I'm so glad that you are such a gifted person and have amazing positive energy. After our healing session, two days ago, at first I started to expel this white mucus, thicker and with much more volume than ovulation. Weird! My body is reacting. I must confess that a warm wave hit over my body and you did heal the intention that I had set to get rid of that awful pain.


Since yesterday, I keep putting pressure on the spot to try to feel if the pain still there and I feel nothing!


I'm healed! May God bless you Christina and yours healing hands.


Cris (Now the proud Mother of twins!)

Granada Hills, CA

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